Saturday, January 26, 2008

So What's up with Thank You Notes?

So I work in a department of all Women, and so I've received a crash course in female etiquette over the past year and I'm having a hard time dealing with it.
Q: Why must you send a thank you not for every little thing that someone does or every gift that is given? I mean what's wrong with just saying thank you and leaving it at that? The notes get exhausting to keep up with, seriously!
I miss the place that I used to work where we all agreed that we would just not get each other Christmas gifts and it worked out great, it was 5 less gifts I had to buy and everyone was happy!
Here's a great article I found on the subject. Enjoy!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Welcome to the man anti-blog

Two minutes in anti-blog hell is better than one minute in anti-blog hell.
Feel free to rant against the crappy cutesy blogs that our wives post in the name of Kraftwerk. (I really wish I knew the ASCII value for the Umlaut over the e). Feel free to post man related issues such as polls for the best Flight of the Conchords episode, best BM picture, or whatever floats your proverbial man boat. (no porn please). I envision several contributors without any central host for this anti-blog. Post if you would like to become a contributor.
Happy anti-blogging.